· 50 + 37 = 87 “Everlasting Father,” “I am the Lord” · 157 + 157 = 314 “The Almighty,” “Return ye!” “Book,” “Wedding” · 127 + 157 = 284 “God,” “Good,” “Holy” = 4 x 71 “Fullness,” “Dove” · 50 + 37 + 157 = 244 “Righteous Ones” (Peradventure there be fifty righteous...) Gen 18:24 · 157 + 50 = 207 = “Light,” “In glory,” “gather,” “crown,” “suddenly” · 2020 = “In Christ” (Rom 3:24), “After the order of Melchizadek” (Psalm 110:4) · 1619 = “Intently,” “Salvation” · From Pentecost-G4005 to Profitable-G5624 (last Strong index) = 1619 · 1619 = Prime # 256 = 4 x 64 “Truth” “Aleph and Tav” (Ordinal), “Judgment,” “My Covenant” · 256 = “Aaron” (Light bringer) “Devarim” (Exo 4:30 “the Word”) · 127 = Sarah died at 127 publically buried in Promise Land for 400 silver shekels (Gen 23) · 1492 = 4 x 373 “Word,” “and God was,” 1776 = 2 x 888 “Jesus” · 157 + 37 = 194 “Governor” = 2 x 97 = Appointed Time, 97 is the 26th prime number
· 401 = “Isaiah” The first letter Alpha + Tav equals 401, which also values “Sign.” This is the key hidden Hebrew word that’s un-translated to English in the first creation verse of the bible. |
6 x 528 = 3168 3168 = “Lord Jesus Christ” |
With the insertion of 1619 as the beginning of slavery on the American timeline, its picture of the New World prophecy becomes clear. 296 x 6 = 1776. 1776 (2 x 888) is the double the value of “888” Jesus, who is timed to take the reign of the eternal New World as just America’s flawed government suddenly finds itself in transition.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. {Isaiah 9:6}
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: {Isaiah 11:1-3a}
Amazingly, for each of two passages above; the sum of every seventh Hebrew letter equals the Greek gematria value of Jesus - 888.
8 x 66 = 528 66 = “Wheel,” “Gematria” |
The following illustrations (posted by “Joy by Sunrise”) connect the president’s birth of 700 and 26,000 days to the 1948 birth of Nation Israel as well as the Great America Eclipse of 2017. |
1492 aligns with the Blood Moon Tetrad & Spanish Inquisition, G1492 occurs 666 times in KJ Bible 1776 = “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” {Gen 1:4} 1776 = 2 x 888, 888 = “Jesus,” “The Salvation of our God” 1619 = “Salvation” |
Gen “1:27” Man Created in God’s image |
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Corroboration Link |