Description: File:Magic6star-sum26.svg

6 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 26

6 + 11 + 1 + 8 = 26

5 + 7 + 11 + 3 = 26

5 + 9 + 2 + 10 = 26

4 + 2 +12 + 8 = 26

3 + 1 + 12 + 10 = 26

Description: Image result for jewish flag images

541 = Israel

541 = The Commandments

541 = Tablets of Stone

541 = The Judgment

541 = The Fruit

 26 = “The Lord” & “Word”

 26 = “It shall come to pass”

With respect the number 26 there is an amazing profound geometric intimacy between the Israel (541) Shield of David and the Lord’s number: 26.”541,” the number of Israel, is the 100th prime number and 10th Hexagonal /Star number.

The Prophetic “Revelations of 26

Provided below underscores the significance of 26

The Star of David is hexagram, or a 6-pointed star, made from 2 opposite triangles that total 12 connecting points. Numbers can be placed at each triangle point and hexagon intersection such that the sum of the four numbers on each line will always be 26.

The Lord’s signature

541 x 26 = 14,066 which occurs at Pi position 144,370   144 = “The Elect”   370 = “Salem (Peace),” “Rule”


1. The Hebrew name for God, YHWH (Yehowah), has a numeric value of 26 - The Hebraic letters YHWH are assigned gematria values of 10, 5, 6 & 5 which together add up to 26.


2. The 26th verse of the bible refers to the image of God - “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…" (Gen 1:26) There are 206 bones in the human body.


3. The foundation of the Temple measures Twenty by Sixty Cubits (20 x 60) - “And the house which king Solomon built for the LORD, the length thereof [was] threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty [cubits], and the height thereof thirty cubits.” (1 Kgs 6:2)


4. The value for the letters of the name God is 26 - When the sequential numeric values of 1-26 are assigned to each letter of the alphabet the letters G-O-D have ordinal values of 7, 15 and 4 which total 26.”


5. Matt 26:26 describes Jesus as the bread of life. Jesus took bread, and blessed [it], and brake [it], and gave [it] to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.”


6. The Greek Strong’s number G26 is "Agape", which means "love" / “charity.”


7. The phrase "for his mercy [endureth] forever” is repeated 26 times in Psalm 136.


8. God introduces the Ten Commandments in man’s 26th generation - Adam to Moses. 


9. “206 equals “word,” “his bones” & is ordinal value for Exo 20:1 - 10 Commandments 


10. The 26th Star Number is “3901,” which is an anagram of “391” the Hebrew value for “Jesus.”


11. The number 26 is highlighted as the sum of each connecting point in the hexagon, double triangle Star of David.


12. God made Eve from a rib that He took from Adam (Gen 2:21-23). The value of Eve's name (19) minus the value of Adam's name (45) equals 26.


13. The book Revelations is the 26th book of the New Testament and last book of the bible.


14. The word Omega,” indexed as Strong G5598, is found at the 26th position from the last Strong word index, which is “Profitable” G5624(5624 - 5598 = 26)


15. The 26th prime number is 101,” which holds the value for and it was sowith respect to His creation of the firmament and division of the waters (Gen 1:7).  (127 minus 101 = 26) The double of the 26th prime number 202 is 10  times a factor of 2020.”


16. The digits 26is found at the 67th digit of Phi (φ). 67,” the 19th number, is the value of the 7th Hebrew letterZayin,” which meanssword& shares its value with “binah,” which meansunderstanding.”


17. The digits 343 is found at the 26Th digit of Phi (φ). 343 holds the value for the phrases “The Ark of God,” “And God said,” a phrase opening 26 verses in the KJV of the bible.


18. The digits 26 is found at the 6th digit of PI (π). Six relates to the work of creation.


19. 83 = “Man lives,” “The Bread” & “The Holy Covenant” & occurs at the 26th digit of Pi π


20. There are 26 years from the 50th jubilee year 1994 to the last year of time 2020. 


21. In the first 26 verses. Elohim appears 26 times before YHWH first occurs in the bible


22. The square of 26 equals 676 (26 x 26) which holds the value for “end” and “times.”


23. “26 are the first two digits that precede “89” in the final Sabbath Journey count of 2689 days.


24. 26 is the double of “13” which relates to “super fullness.” The world is 13,032 years old


25. 832occurs at the 26th Pi position & holds the value for The land of Israel” (291 + 541).


26. 26 represents the first hexagram, which represents the Megan Star symbol of Israel.

Text Box:


23,088 = 2 x 26 x 444Perfect love,” (I John 4:18) “Damascus”


             444 = 418 (Ohavti, I Love) + 26 (YHVH, The LORD)


    23,088 = 4 x 26 x 222 “The Voice of God,” “His Words,”


    23,088 = 3 x 26 x 296 “The Earth”


 23,088 = 6 x 26 x 148 “Passover,” “Victory,” “Promises,” “Ever”


23,088 = 48 (STAR, Increase) x 481 (THE GENESIS)


23,088 = 16 x 1443 “The Seven Lamps,” “The wrath of God”


23,088 = 24 x 962 “Man of God,”The former things”


23,088 = 111 “The Beginning of Wisdom,” “Aleph” x 208 “He created it,” “Isaac”


23,088 = 39 “The Lord is one” x 592 “The Godhead”


23,088 = 444 x 52 “Son,” “Messiah,” “Let there be light”


23,088 = 13 x 1776Last,” “Prophecy,” “Lord of the Sabbath

The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. {John 1:2-5}

The value of the immediate passage following the foundation verse, “23,088” is spiritually rich with many significant foretelling divisors underscored as a result of “The Lord’s signature” 26 times the number of “Jesus” 888.

John 1:2-5 = 23,088

23,088 = 26 (YHVH) x 888 (JESUS)

Text Box: The Shaddai Signature in the Name YHVH

The Shaddai signature (314) is the secondary signature. It manifests in YHVH as its gematria value 26 (10+5+6+5 -- the letter values of YHVH). The number 314 is the Hebrew gematria of Shaddai, the Almighty: 314 = 300 (shin) + 4 (dalet) + 10 (yod). The sum of the squares of the Shaddai digits is precisely YHVH: 26 = 32 + 12 + 42.

Thus, in one simple equation we have solid evidence of the Shaddai signature in the name YHVH. The evidence becomes incontrovertible when we realize that by swapping the power index and number, the sum remains the same: 26 = 32 + 12 + 42 = 23+ 21 + 24! It is easily proven that the number 26 is the only number that displays this symmetry using the formula: sum = 3n + 1n + 4n = n3+ n1 + n4 where n = 1, 2, 3,..... The first ten pairs in the table below show divergence between the two number series, thus proving the uniqueness of the number 26.

The God of Light of Genesis 1:1

Excerpt by John Tng of Five Doves - 5/31/05


The sum of the last Hebrew year and last Gregorian year is 7809


Last Hebrew year                                       5785

End of Last Gregorian year                   + 2024


7809 = 3 x 19 x 137



From Temple Fall 587 BC to Epic Chai Sarah year 2017 are 2603 years


2603 = 19 x 137


How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! {Psalm 16:16}

   G5624 “Profitable” (Strong’s last word)

G5598 “Omega” (The Word’s last letter)

          26 The LORD,” “Word

                 “It shall come to pass